X-Ray Vision is a passive item.
Effects[ | ]
- Opens Secret Rooms and Super Secret Rooms automatically.
Notes[ | ]
- When in The Void, the entrances are not automatically opened if the room is not yet cleared. Re-entering the room once enemies are killed and/or Pressure Plates pressed will open the doors normally.
In-game Footage[ | ]
Trivia[ | ]
- When Book of Secrets is used while all mapping effects have been obtained, trough book of secrets itself or another mapping effect, the X-Ray Vision effect is given.
- The flavor text "I've seen everything" could be a reference to Patrick Stewart's popular scene in the TV series "Extras".
- The cosmetic is a reference to 'X-ray Specs' sold as gag-gifts or on the back of Comic books in the 1960's and 70's.
- This item is used in Seeing Double (challenge #40).
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |