Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

(except in Rebirth)

The Wiz is a passive item added in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth.


  • Isaac fires tears from both eyes at the same time.
  • Isaac's tears are fired diagonally outwards, similar to the effect of the R U a Wizard? pill.
  • Isaac's tears become spectral.



  • (in Repentance)Collectible 20 20 icon20/20: Fires 2 tears in both diagonal directions.
  • (except in Repentance) Collectible Diplopia iconDiplopia/(in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Crooked Penny iconCrooked Penny: Each additional copy of The Wiz will make Isaac fire two more tears in a wider diagonal layout.
    • (in Repentance) Each additional copy of The Wiz will make Isaac fire one extra tear, starting with one tear fired forwards.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Eye of the Occult iconEye of the Occult: Both tears shoot much closer together and can be controlled, creating for a better double shot similar to what Tractor Beam would grant.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible The Inner Eye iconThe Inner Eye/ Character Keeper iconKeeper: Fires 2 tears to both diagonal directions with a wider spread.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Mutant Spider iconMutant Spider / Character Tainted Keeper iconTainted Keeper: Fires 3 tears to both diagonal directions.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Spirit Sword iconSpirit Sword: Beams and sword swings are fired forwards instead of diagonally. Isaac spins an additional time when doing a charged attack.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Technology Zero iconTechnology Zero: Electricity arcs between both tears, damaging enemies between them.
  • Collectible Tractor Beam iconTractor Beam: Both tears will follow the beam, making it easier to hit enemies with them.
    • Tractor Beam + Collectible Mom's Knife iconMom's Knife: Knives ignore the path of the beam and remain flying diagonally.
  • Collectible Tiny Planet iconTiny Planet: Each shot fires two tears in opposing orbital directions. The orbit can be controlled as normal.


  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Analog Stick iconAnalog Stick: Will make one tear go forwards and the other tear fire at a 90-degree angle to the other tear.
  • Character Azazel iconAzazel/Collectible Brimstone iconBrimstone/(in Repentance) Character Tainted Azazel iconTainted Azazel: Fires two Brimstone beams diagonally. Beams remain diagonal even if Isaac has Collectible Tractor Beam iconTractor Beam.
  • Character Cain iconCain / Character Tainted Cain iconTainted Cain: Makes Cain fire in the two diagonal directions instead of just his right eye as the R U a Wizard? pill does.
  • Conjoined: Fires double tears in both directions, but removes the center tear.
  • Collectible Epic Fetus iconEpic Fetus: The crosshair is controlled diagonally as if rotated 45 degrees clockwise from usual (i.e.: the up arrow will move it in a northeast direction), and two missiles are fired, similar to the effect of Collectible 20 20 icon20/20. The crosshair can be moved in the cardinal directions by pressing two arrow keys at once (e.g.: pressing the up and right arrows will move the crosshair right).
  • Homing tears: Tears are more likely to home in on enemies if enemies are coming towards Isaac diagonally. With big enough tears or a big enough enemy, homing tears are very powerful with The Wiz.
  • Collectible The Ludovico Technique iconThe Ludovico Technique: Small tear orbits the main tear. Tear controls rotated 45 degrees clockwise - holding up makes it move northeast and so on.
  • Collectible Marked iconMarked: Fires two shots aimed diagonally from the crosshair.
  • Collectible Monstro's Lung iconMonstro's Lung: 7-8 tears are fired at each diagonal direction instead of a full burst.
  • R U a Wizard? pill: Makes Isaac fire forward with a normal fire rate and 90 degrees outwards with half fire rate.
  • Collectible Sad Bombs iconSad Bombs: Does not affect the number of tears when bombs explode.

In-game Footage[]


  • This item is possibly a reference to Nethack, where an unidentified "conical hat" can be either a cornuthaum (i.e. a "wizard hat") or a cursed dunce cap. Equipping the conical hat will identify it, but if it's a cursed dunce cap it will lower your intelligence and be difficult to remove. The Wiz has the word "DUNCE" printed in the image but is officially named after wizardry. This confusion alludes to the ambiguous identity of the conical hat.
  • This item shares its name with a 1978 musical based on The Wizard Of Oz.
