Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

Detailed effect[]

"Red Heart Slot" is set to 1. If you have no red hearts ( only black or soul, or both ), it will give you 1 full red heart ( with slot ) and 9 lives.

Judas' Shadow interaction[]

This page has no details on the interaction between Dead Cat and Judas' Shadow. I just did some testing, and picked up Judas' Shadow after picking up Dead Cat. Dead Cat deaths were coming before the Judas' Shadow deaths. I don't know if there's some sort of relevance to the order of picking them up, however. Does anyone know any better? Ryxis (talk) 04:21, 3 February 2015 (UTC)

False info on the wiki page?[]

It says there that the D4 or other passive item rerolls don't remove the lives, I rerolled dead cat away and didn't get revived... I was The Lost and ultra greed was at 5% HP when a coin fell from the sky on my head.. gg

D4 explicitly excludes rerolling deadcat. See --Blcd (talk) 20:27, 16 April 2017 (UTC)

Dead Cat + The Lost[]

I have done two runs as The Lost aquiring the Dead Cat item and it seems that it turns you invincible. The Lost does flinch at every hit taken, but I have certainly gotten hit about thirty times and beat ??? in the chest at ease with the Dead Cat item as The Lost. Maybe someone can confirm or disprove that, as it would definitely add to the strategy of winning achievements as The Lost.

After some testing, I can conclude that either the synergy requires at least one other item (i.e. Dead Cat alone won't work), or the synergy doesn't happen at all. Do you happen to know what other items you had during that run? --JokerPixel (talk) 17:02, 6 January 2019 (UTC)
Hi, I had the following items as seen in the screenshot. Can't really pin down what synergy caused the invincibility. (I was going to post a screenshot, but it wouldn't allow the link on here. The seed was K4AJ MDWR. The items I could identify: cloth hook, 50% off, diploma, dead cat, guppy's head, explosive thoughts, patch, screw, dead familiar (the one that blocks shots and triggers necronomicon), positive image
If, by the "positive image", you mean Collectible The Polaroid iconThe Polaroid, then that could explain it. Only if it activates when damage is blocked by Holy Mantle, though. --JokerPixel (talk) 22:11, 6 February 2019 (UTC)
--- Yeah I think it was the Polaroid. By the time that synergy worked (whatever it was), it was an OP run and easy to finish, although I could never say if the next damage would kill me. :

Tainted ??? missing from DLC+ list[]


Tainted ??? should be clearly written as characters being set to 1 HP (1x Blue Heart) when he picks up the Dead Cat.

It literally says that in the first paragraph listed under "Effects". IsaacGuru (talk) 20:55, 16 October 2021 (UTC)
Actually Tainted ??? was missing from the list (normal ??? and everyone else seem to be there), and has been added. --Frionil (talk) 21:28, 16 October 2021 (UTC)

The glitch with jacob and esau and dead cat giving infinite lives isnt true anymore

Revival Order?[]

The category page for Revival Items lists the Dead Cat's priority as being before Guppy's Collar and Lazarus' Rags, but I just played a game where this did not happen. This was played on Afterbirth.

I just played a run as Keeper and got the right items to get infinite free items from the shop. Among the many items I got were several revives, including Guppy's Collar, Lazarus' Rags, and Dead Cat. Guppy's Collar triggered upon my first death, which resulted in the bug where Keeper revives with a half soul heart. My next death caused me to revive as Lazarus, and in subsequent deaths I revived as Lazarus again.