Seeds, essentially random strings of characters, are used as the basis for all decision making in the game. By inputting a seed manually, one can guarantee that most randomly-generated decisions will occur the same every time. For instance, two players using the same seed will find the same items in the same locations.
Notes Regarding Seed Entry[]
- Seeds will be the same on every platform as long as the game version is also the same. For example, if you find a Rebirth seed on PC, you can use it on the 3DS version and it will be the same because the 3DS version only has Rebirth.
- Except for some special seeds, inputting a seed will cause the 'no trophies' mark to appear. This prevents any achievements from being obtained on that particular run.
- Special seeds do not affect level generation.
- All alphanumeric characters are accepted except for 5, I, O, and U. On the PC version pressing the I, O, and U keys during seed entry will replace them with 1, 0, and V respectively.
- Once a special seed has been entered, it will be permanently unlocked without needing to enter the code again. Pressing Q / Left Bumper during character selection will bring up the Easter Egg Section, in which any previously unlocked game mode can be selected. Selecting multiple modes at once is also possible.
- On the special seed selection menu, it is possible to remove a discovered seed by focusing it and pressing Q+E+Tab on keyboard or LB+RB+X on controller.
- As of Repentance, there is a total of 40 special seeds.
Special Seeds[]
ID | Seed | Description | Effects | |
Miscellaneous | ||||
16 | BASE MENT |
Infinite basements | The Basement repeats infinitely. | |
11 | KEEP AWAY |
Tricky pickups | Pickups mimic Isaac's movements. | |
72 | G0NE S00N |
Pickups time out | Pickups quickly fade. This includes pedestal items, shop purchases, devil deals, and the Cathedral/Sheol boss chest. | |
33 | FREE 2PAY |
F2P version | Isaac starts with 69 coins, but all items and consumables must be bought. | |
25 | PAC1 F1SM |
Pacifism | Enemies do not take damage. All rooms are considered cleared upon entering them; doors stay open, room rewards spawn, Stonies instantly die. When in a boss room, the boss's health bar is used as a timer and slowly ticks down. At the end of the countdown, the trapdoor to the next floor appears. | |
32 | C0ME BACK |
Enemies respawn | Enemies, including bosses, respawn once Isaac leaves the room. Completing a room multiple times does not yield additional pickups. | |
71 | N0RE TVRN |
Point of no return | Boss rooms lock Isaac in, similar to the Mom fight. | |
24 | BRWN SNKE |
Poopy trail | Isaac leaves a trail of poop behind him as he walks. | |
73 | ALM1 GHTY |
Dog mode | Isaac is invincible. | |
55 | K1DS M0DE |
Kids' co-op mode | Makes co-op babies invincible. | |
79 | GFVE LLLL |
G Fuel! | Spawns a G FUEL! item in the starting room of each floor. Each copy picked up has different effects and adds various excessive "gamer style" visual and sound effects to the gameplay.
Enables an item blacklist consisting of: Dr. Fetus, Mom's Eye, Technology, Loki's Horns, Mom's Knife, Brimstone, Technology 2, Epic Fetus, Monstro's Lung, The Ludovico Technique, Marked, Tech X, Trisagion, Spirit Sword, C Section. | |
Curses | ||||
56 | DARK NESS |
Permanent darkness | Permanent Curse of Darkness. | |
57 | LABY RNTH |
Inescapable labyrinth | Permanent Curse of the Labyrinth. | |
58 | L0ST |
Hopelessly lost | Permanent Curse of the Lost. | |
59 | VNKN 0WN |
Forever unknown | Permanent Curse of the Unknown. | |
60 | MAZE |
Unending maze | Permanent Curse of the Maze. | |
61 | BL1N D |
Incurable blindness | Permanent Curse of the Blind. | |
62 | CVRS ED |
Horrible curse | Permanent Curse of the Cursed. | |
Curse Immunity | ||||
63 | N1TE L1TE |
Illuminate darkness | Provides immunity to Curse of Darkness. | |
64 | THRE AD |
Escape the labyrinth | Provides immunity to Curse of the Labyrinth. | |
65 | F0VN D |
I once was lost | Provides immunity to Curse of the Lost. | |
66 | N0W1 KN0W |
Know the unknown | Provides immunity to Curse of the Unknown. | |
67 | PATH F1ND |
Stay out of the maze | Provides immunity to Curse of the Maze. | |
68 | BRA1 LLE |
Heal the blind | Provides immunity to Curse of the Blind. | |
70 | BLCK CNDL |
Total curse immunity | Provides immunity to all curses. | |
Damage Modifiers | ||||
47 | HARD HARD |
Full heart damage | Isaac takes a full heart of damage from all sources. | |
48 | BRTL B0NS |
Twelve heart damage | Isaac takes twelve hearts of damage from all sources. | |
26 | D0NT ST0P |
Don't stop moving | Isaac takes damage if he stops moving. | |
27 | THEG H0ST |
Damage on a timer | Every 45 seconds, a ticking will begin, and after 5 seconds, Isaac will take 1/2 heart of damage. Damage increases to 1 heart in Chapter 4 and beyond. Having invincibility during the time when damage should be inflicted blocks the damage. | |
28 | 30M1 N1TS |
30 minute limit | Gives a time limit of 30 minutes to beat the game. When the timer hits 29:45, a timer starts ticking, and after 30:00, Isaac takes damage every second. | |
Control Modifiers | ||||
52 | 1CES KATE |
Ice physics | Makes the ground slippery. | |
74 | BRAV ERY |
Bravery | Isaac automatically fires tears in the same direction that he moves. Removes the ability to fire tears manually. | |
75 | C0WR D1CE |
Cowardice | Isaac automatically fires tears in the opposite direction that he moves. Removes the ability to fire tears manually. | |
12 | DRAW KCAB |
Reversed controls | All movement and firing keys are reversed. | |
76 | AX1S ALGN |
Axis aligned controls | Isaac cannot move diagonally. | |
Camouflage | ||||
3 | CAM0 K1DD |
Camouflage player | Isaac blends into the ground. | |
4 | CAM0 F0ES |
Camouflage enemies | All enemies blend into the ground. | |
5 | CAM0 DR0P |
Camouflage stuff | Pickups and items blend into the ground. | |
6 | WH0A WHAT |
Camouflage EVERYTHING! | Isaac, enemies, pickups, and items all blend into the ground. | |
14 | 1MN0 B0DY |
Invisible player | Isaac becomes completely invisible. | |
15 | BL1N DEYE |
Invisible enemies | All enemies become completely invisible. | |
Player Appearance | ||||
46 | THEB LANK |
The blank | Isaac has no face. | |
53 | KAPP A |
Grayscale | Isaac turns gray. | |
54 | H0H0 H0H0 |
Christmas | Isaac wears a Christmas hat. | |
35 | T0PH EAVY |
Big head mode | Isaac's head is large. | |
36 | T1NY D0ME |
Tiny head mode | Isaac's head is small. | |
37 | PTCH BLCK |
Black body | Isaac and his tears turn completely black. | |
Visual Effects | ||||
38 | TEAR GL0W |
Glowing tears | Isaac's tears glow. | |
23 | BL00 00DY |
Extra gore | Makes a lot more blood appear after enemies die. | |
HUD Modifiers | ||||
8 | B00B T00B |
Cathode rays! | Applies a filter that makes the game look like it's being played through a cathode ray tube. | |
9 | DYSL EX1A |
Dyslexia | All in-game text is rearranged. | |
10 | KEEP TRAK |
No HUD | Removes the HUD entirely. This affects the map, health, consumables, held items, pickup text, floor names, and more. | |
29 | MED1 C1NE |
Mystery pills | All pill names and descriptions show ???. | |
30 | FACE D0WN |
Mystery cards | All card names and descriptions show ???. | |
Enemy Modifiers | ||||
13 | CHAM P10N |
Champion enemies | All enemies turn into champions if possible. | |
17 | C0CK FGHT |
Charmed enemies | All enemies are permanently charmed. | |
18 | C0NF ETT1 |
Confused enemies | All enemies are permanently confused. | |
19 | FEAR M1NT |
Scaredy enemies | All enemies are permanently scared. | |
20 | FRA1 DN0T |
Skittish enemies | Every few seconds, all enemies become scared. | |
21 | CLST RPH0 |
Asocial enemies | All enemies are permanently charmed and scared. | |
Sound Modifiers | ||||
Farty sounds | All sound effects are replaced with farts. | |
1 | SL0W 4ME2 |
Movement tempo | Music speed is affected by Isaac's walking speed. | |
Health tempo | The lower Isaac's health is, the slower the music is and vice versa. | |
41 | ANDA NTE |
Downtempo | Music is slowed down. | |
42 | LARG HET0 |
Downtempo-- | Music is significantly slowed down. | |
43 | ALLE GR0 |
Uptempo | Music is sped up. | |
44 | PRES T0 |
Uptempo++ | Music is significantly sped up. | |
Video Games | ||||
77 | SVPE RH0T |
SuperHot | While Isaac is not moving, time runs extremely slowly. Isaac's speed and fire rate remain normal at all times. | |
78 | M0DE SEVN |
Retro vision | Screen has a permanent Retro-Vision effect. |
Notes Regarding Seed Effects[]
- While the BRTL B0NS seed is enabled, getting hit will not result in death if Isaac possesses Red Hearts as well as Soul Hearts or Black Hearts. Instead, the Soul hearts and/or Black hearts will be completely depleted, leaving Isaac with only his Red hearts. You can also prevent death with Bone Hearts, as they will get depleted without destroying the bone heart and protecting the rest of the hearts, and can be refilled with Red Hearts. The soul hearts in front of them will get destroyed though.
- If the ICES KATE seed is enabled, purple champion monsters will be much more dangerous, as escaping their gravitational pull is almost impossible.
- When playing with the KAPP A seed enabled, certain items will override the grayscale, such as Kidney Stone.
- When the seed PACI FISM is enabled, effects that kill enemies on impact such as Euthanasia and Little Horn still remove enemies, but they will respawn when the room is re-entered. No effect occurs after killing all in a room.
- Some seeds can not be enabled alongside other certain seeds. For example, the PTCH BLCK seed cannot be enabled alongside THEB LANK.
- It is possible to access other chapters while playing the BASE MENT seed. Stepping into the beam of light after using Genesis can take Isaac to chapter II, avoiding the standard loop after the first two basement floors. Additionally, Sacrifice Rooms after 12 uses can be used at any point to teleport to the Dark Room, making it possible to see a proper ending and finish the run.
- Many of the special seeds can be found by using either the Fortune Telling Machine or the Rules Card.
- Some special seeds were shared with the community by the developers.
- If an item that would appear on a seed isn't unlocked yet, it will be replaced by another item that is unlocked.
- The "DYSL EXIA" seed is a reference to dyslexia, a disorder that causes difficulties in spelling, reading, and writing.
- The seeds "ANDA NTE", "LARG HET0", "ALLE GR0", and "PRES T0" refer to andante, larghetto, allegro, and presto, respectively. These are names of musical tempos, which are the speeds of given pieces of music.
- The "KAPP A" seed is a reference to a commonly used Twitch emote "KAPPA".
- The "ALM1 GHTY" seed's description is, "Dog Mode". This is referencing the term "God mode", which is used to describe someone or something in a game that's invincible, usually through the use of cheats.
- "Dog Mode" is also a reference to Rise of the Triad, which has a power-up of the same name.
- The "FEAR M1NT" seed is a reference to spearmint, a popular chewing gum flavor.
- Although the T1NY D0ME seed also makes Isaac's hitbox somewhat smaller and could be considered beneficial, it does not prevent achievements.
- The "SVPE RH0T" seed is a reference to the game SUPERHOT.
- "M0DE SEVN" i.e. Mode 7 is a graphics mode on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System console that often results in pronounced pixelation.
- "GFVE LLLL" is used as 11/4/2022 and 3/24/2023's daily runs.
- While using Tainted Forgotten in the "SVPE RH0T" seed, time will only move when the skeleton moves.
Bug! | Entering the Blue Womb while using the "N0RE TVRN" seed is not recommended as the door leading to the Boss Room will not spawn, thereby trapping the player and ending the run. |
Bug! | Returning to the menu from a run that uses a seed that alters audio speed will cause the main menu audio to remain altered. This resets upon entering a new run, or exiting the game. |
Bug! | The PAC1F1SM seed does not allow you to finish a The Beast run. Dogma never transforms in his second phase. If you manage to go to the Beast fight (with the debug console), the Chest spawns before Ultra Famine is killed. |
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |