Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

(in Repentance)Sacrifice Room door

Sacrifice Rooms are special rooms that contain a set of spikes in their center.

(in Rebirth) Isaac can damage himself on the spikes for a chance to spawn a ChestChest or a Locked ChestLocked Chest. The chance is determined by the seed, meaning Isaac must damage himself on the spikes a set number of times for a Chest to spawn.

(except in Rebirth) Sacrifice Rooms were reworked, with a wide variety of possible rewards (shown below).

(in Repentance) Taking damage from the spikes doesn't reduce the odds of getting a Devil or Angel room.

The base chance of a Sacrifice Room being generated is 1/7 (~14%). If Isaac's total health is equal to or greater than his total red heart containers, an additional 1/4 chance applies for a total of 5/14 (~36%).

Sacrifice Rooms are mutually exclusive with Dice RoomDice Rooms. If a Sacrifice Room is to be generated, it has a 1/50 base chance to be replaced by a Dice Room, plus an additional 1/5 chance for a total of 27/125 (~22%) if Isaac has 2 or more keys.

Rewards (except in Rebirth)[ | ]

The payouts only depend on the number of sacrifices made. The number of sacrifices is reset to 0 when Isaac goes to the next floor.

№ of sacrifices on Current Floor Chance Reward
1st / 2nd 50% Nothing
50% 1 Penny
100% (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) 1 Bomb (Only if the first floor boss has been defeated in less than one minute and Isaac has no bombs, to help obtain Collectible Broken Shovel 1 iconBroken Shovel)
3rd 33% Nothing
67% "You feel blessed!" (increased chance to receive an Angel Room over a Devil Room for the current floor)
  • Does not increase the chance of a Devil/Angel Room after defeating a boss, only the chance of getting an Angel RoomAngel Room over a Devil RoomDevil Room.
  • Can cause an Angel RoomAngel Room to spawn even if Isaac has already taken a deal with the Devil.
  • Gives a smaller bonus than the "You feel blessed!" effect below.
  • (except in Repentance) A guaranteed Angel Room replacement if this occurred in a Chapter 1 XL floor.
  • (in Repentance) If Isaac has not yet encountered a Devil/Angel Room, guarantees the room encountered on the same floor as the sacrifice (if any) to be an Angel Room.
4th 50% Nothing
50% 1 random ChestChest (The type of chest is governed by the same mechanic as room drops. Thus, regular chests are more likely to spawn than any other kind of chest.)
5th 33% 3 PennyPennies (These coins do not have a chance to spawn as a nickel or a dime.)
67% "You feel blessed!" (Same conditions as 3rd sacrifice but providing a stronger modifier.)
6th 33% Teleport to the Angel Room, even if past Devil Deals have been taken. If the Devil Deal on that floor has already been seen, it will sent Isaac back there instead.
67% 1 random ChestChest (The type of chest is governed by the same mechanic as room drops. Thus, regular chests are more likely to spawn than any other kind of chest.)
7th 33% 1 random Angel Room item.
67% 1 Soul HeartSoul Heart
50% (in Repentance) if a Deal with the Devil was taken previously, Collectible Redemption iconRedemption can spawn instead if unlocked.
8th 100% (except in Repentance) 6 (in Repentance) 7 Troll BombTroll Bombs
9th 100% UrielUriel battle
10th 50% 7 Soul HeartSoul Hearts
50% 30 PennyPennies (individual coins may overlap)
11th 100% GabrielGabriel battle
12th and onwards 50% Nothing
50% Teleport directly to the Dark RoomDark Room.

Layouts[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

  • The sacrifice rewards are determined ahead of time, not when Isaac steps on the spikes.
    • Received items/trinkets can be changed, however. If Isaac checks the items and resets (such as with the (except in Rebirth)Collectible Glowing Hourglass iconGlowing Hourglass), he can find that item on the same floor, then redo the sacrifice to force a different item to spawn.
    • Resetting will reset Isaac's number of sacrifices to what it was prior to his reset unless stated otherwise.
  • Spikes in a Sacrifice RoomSacrifice Room will deal damage even when flown over, so Isaac can use them even with Flight.
  • Isaac must take damage on the spikes for the rewards to pay out. Invulnerability, shields, and effects that block damage (Collectible Holy Mantle iconHoly Mantle, (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Wooden CrossWooden Cross, the Dog Mode Special Seed etc.) will not trigger a sacrifice.
  • (except in Repentance) The CallusCallus prevents the Sacrifice Room from functioning.
  • (in Repentance)Cracked DiceCracked Dice has a chance to re-roll the spike in the middle of a Sacrifice Room, making it unusable.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Bone HeartBone Hearts cannot be broken if filled with at least a Half Red HeartHalf Red Heart, even if a full heart of damage is taken. This can be abused to repeatedly pay a half-red heart for each use of a Sacrifice Room.
  • Sacrifice Rooms do not naturally appear in the ChestChest, Dark RoomDark Room, or (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)The VoidThe Void.
    • (in Repentance) They can, however, be generated in red rooms, such as those created by the Collectible Red Key iconRed Key.
    • (in Repentance) Sacrifice Rooms generated by using Collectible Red Key iconRed Key in the Dark RoomDark Room will warp Isaac to the first room of the floor when used enough, rather than warping to a new instance of Dark Room.
  • (in Repentance) If more than one Sacrifice Room is created on one floor with Collectible Red Key iconRed Key or equivalent effects, each Sacrifice Room has its own sacrifice counter. For example, doing 3 sacrifices in one room, then 3 in another gives Isaac the 1st to 3rd effects from both rooms, instead of 1st to 3rd, then 4th to 6th. Additionally, performing more sacrifices in the first room again will count up from 4th; the count is not reset by using another room.
  • (in Repentance) Sacrifice Rooms won't teleport Isaac to the Dark RoomDark Room during a challenge or daily challenge that does not end there, thus nothing will happen from the 12th sacrifice onward.
  • (in Repentance) Similarly, separate spikes even in the same sacrifice room, if spawned with the Collectible D12 iconD12, have their own individual sacrifice counters.
  • (in Repentance) Entering a Sacrifice Room while holding Flat FileFlat File will cause the spikes to be retracted into the ground. Dropping the trinket and re-entering the room will cause the spikes to reappear.
  • This room is essential for daily runs as every angel statue gives a large amount of exploration bonus without consequences of damage penalty. However, overindulging in it can make you miss Boss RushBoss Rush | (except in Rebirth) Boss Hush ingameHush so playing cleverly around it is a must. Something to keep in mind is that " no damage penalty " only holds true for Repentance dailies, in Afterbith and AB✞ dailies these rooms give a lot of damage penalty and aren't worthwhile unless you need a seam inside of Dark Room and / or just want to go fast.

(in Rebirth)Notes on Rebirth Sacrifice Rooms[ | ]

  • Only one chest can be received per Sacrifice Room.
  • Taking damage down to half a red heart will always drop a chest. (Because Character ??? (Character) icon??? cannot have Red Heart containers, dropping down to half a heart does not guarantee a drop.)
  • Dying on the spikes guarantees a chest, which can be useful if Isaac is low on health and has more lives from something like Collectible Dead Cat iconDead Cat.
  • Dying in a Sacrifice Room with the Missing PosterMissing Poster will reveal puzzle pieces used to unlock the Character The Lost iconThe Lost.

(except in Rebirth)Notes on Afterbirth Sacrifice Rooms[ | ]

  • (except in Repentance) Losing red hearts due to the spikes will reduce the chance for a Devil RoomDevil Room or Angel RoomAngel Room to appear.
  • If Isaac receives both of the "You feel blessed!" effects, they will stack for a 65% Angel Room generation chance.
  • The amount of health Isaac has left after taking a sacrifice does not affect the payout probabilities.
  • Isaac's Luck stat does not affect the payout probabilities.
  • If UrielUriel or GabrielGabriel spawn, they can be despawned by exiting the room.
  • While UrielUriel and GabrielGabriel can normally fly over spikes without taking damage, they will take damage from Sacrifice Room spikes.
  • Dying in a Sacrifice Room while holding Missing PosterMissing Poster will unlock Character The Lost iconThe Lost (except during a Challenge or Victory Lap).
  • Spikes in the sacrifice room normally deal one full heart of damage.
    • However, if you have half a soul heart in addition to red hearts, the damage will remove the half soul heart and not deal any red heart damage.
    • Collectible The Wafer iconThe Wafer, Collectible Cancer iconCancer, and the (except in Rebirth)Percs pill reduce the spikes' damage to half a heart, allowing Isaac to make more sacrifices.
  • If using the BASE MENT seed, the Dark RoomDark Room teleport can escape the infinite BasementBasement floors.
  • Even if Collectible The Negative iconThe Negative isn't unlocked, Isaac can still teleport to the Dark RoomDark Room.
  • Dying and respawning does not reset the number of sacrifices made, so Collectible Dead Cat iconDead Cat can be used on low health in an attempt to acquire soul hearts.

Unlockable Achievements[ | ]

Bugs[ | ]

Bug Bug! (in Afterbirth †) Found HUD will incorrectly display Angel Room generation chance at 100% when receiving either of the "You feel blessed!" effects.
Bug Bug! (in Repentance) If Isaac touches a Red Chest, the game will determine whether or not he gets a Devil/Angel Room that floor even if he doesn't teleport, which nullifies the Angel Room chance boosts and can cause him to teleport into a Devil Room instead of an Angel Room on the 6th use.
Bug Bug! (in Repentance) If Isaac teleports to a Devil Room on his 6th use and takes his first devil deal of the run, he can still get an Angel Room item instead of Collectible Redemption iconRedemption on his 7th use.
