Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Item Tags/data/doc
return {
tagData = {
['angel'] = { friendly = "Seraphim" },
['baby'] = { friendly = "Conjoined" },
['battery'] = { friendly = "Jumper Cables unlock items" },
['bob'] = { friendly = "Bob" },
['book'] = { friendly = "Bookworm" },
['dead'] = { friendly = "The Parasite unlock items" },
['devil'] = { friendly = "Leviathan" },
['fly'] = { friendly = "Beelzebub" },
['food'] = { friendly = "Binge Eater items" },
['guppy'] = { friendly = "Guppy" },
['lazarusshared'] = { friendly = "Tainted Lazarus' shared items" },
['lazarussharedglobal'] = { friendly = "Tainted Lazarus' globally shared items" },
['mom'] = { friendly = "Yes Mother? & Mom's Contact unlock items" },
['monstermanual'] = { friendly = "Monster Manual items" },
['mushroom'] = { friendly = "Fun Guy" },
['nocantrip'] = { friendly = "Items excluded from Cantripped! challenge"},
['nochallenge'] = { friendly = "Items excluded from challenges"},
['nodaily'] = { friendly = "Items excluded from daily runs"},
['noeden'] = { friendly = "Items excluded from Eden"},
['nogreed'] = { friendly = "Greed mode's excluded items" },
['nokeeper'] = { friendly = "Keeper's excluded items"},
['nolostbr'] = { friendly = "The Lost's Birthright excluded items" },
['offensive'] = { friendly = "Tainted Lost's items" },
['poop'] = { friendly = "Oh Crap" },
['quest'] = { friendly = "Quest Items" },
['spider'] = { friendly = "Spider Baby" },
['stars'] = { friendly = "Planetarium unlock items" },
['summonable'] = { friendly = "Lemegeton and Modeling Clay items" },
['syringe'] = { friendly = "Spun & Little Baggy unlock items " },
['tearsup'] = { friendly = "Lachryphagy unlock items" },
['tech'] = { friendly = "Technology Zero unlock items" },
['uniquefamiliar'] = nil,