Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

Head of Krampus is an unlockable activated item.


  • Fires a powerful Collectible Brimstone iconBrimstone beam in the four cardinal directions, much like Boss The Fallen ingameThe Fallen and Boss Krampus ingameKrampus shoot.
    • (in Afterbirth) Has a 50% chance to rotate all beams around the player 90 degrees, similar to Krampus' second Brimstone attack.


  • Head of Krampus is one of two items that can drop by defeating Boss Krampus ingameKrampus. The other one is Collectible A Lump of Coal iconA Lump of Coal.
    • This is the only way to get this item normally.
  • (except in Repentance) Each beam deals 22 damage per tick, and they tick a total of 20 times, dealing a total of 440 damage per use.
    • (in Repentance) Each beam deals 10 damage over 20 ticks, dealing a total of 200 damage per use.
  • Damaging enemies with the effect of this item as GuppyGuppy will spawn multiple Blue Flies.
  • By standing really close to large enemies such as bosses, it's possible to hit them with multiple beams at once, dealing significantly more damage than a single beam.


  • Error: No Book of Virtues interaction found for "Collectible Head of Krampus iconHead of Krampus".
  • (except in Rebirth)Collectible Car Battery iconCar Battery: Doubles the damage the brimstone beams deal (for a total of (except in Repentance) 880 damage/(in Repentance) 400 damage per use). Doesn't double the brimstone beams' duration.

In-game Footage[]



  • This item was originally planned to appear as a Halloween Update in the original The Binding of Isaac, but was scrapped.
    • A scrapped item in the original game called Pumpkin Mask was very similar in effect to Head of Krampus.


  • v1.031: Head of Krampus' recharge was set to 6 charges, up from 3.
  • (in Repentance): Head of Krampus' recharge was set to 3 charges.
