Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki
(except in Rebirth)


All Boss Waves[]

Boss Dingle
Boss The Duke of Flies
Boss Gemini
Boss Larry Jr.
Dingle The Duke of Flies Gemini Larry Jr.
Boss Monstro

Boss Wave 1 Specific[]

Boss Gurglings
Boss Steven
Gurglings Steven Needs to be unlocked

Boss Wave 2 Specific[]

Boss Gurglings
Boss Famine
Gurglings Famine Needs to be unlocked

Nightmare Wave Specific[]

Boss Steven
Boss The Husk
Boss Headless Horseman
Boss Baby Plum
Steven Needs to be unlocked The Husk Headless Horseman Needs to be unlocked Baby Plum (in Repentance)
Envy Gluttony Wrath Lust

(in Repentance) CellarCellar[]

All Boss Waves[]

Boss Dingle
Boss The Haunt
Boss Monstro Boss Pin
Dingle The Haunt Monstro Pin

Boss Wave 1 Specific[]

Boss Blighted Ovum
Boss Widow
Boss Steven
Blighted Ovum Widow Steven Needs to be unlocked

Boss Wave 2 Specific[]

Boss Blighted Ovum
Boss Larry Jr.
Boss Famine
Boss Polycephalus
Blighted Ovum Larry Jr. Famine Needs to be unlocked Polycephalus

Nightmare Wave Specific[]

Boss Gemini
Boss Larry Jr.
Boss Widow
Boss Steven
Gemini Larry Jr. Widow Steven Needs to be unlocked
Boss Headless Horseman
Headless Horseman Needs to be unlocked
Envy Gluttony Wrath Lust

(in Repentance) Burning BasementBurning Basement[]

All Boss Waves[]

Boss Dingle
Boss The Duke of Flies
Boss Gemini
Boss The Haunt
Dingle The Duke of Flies Gemini The Haunt
Boss Monstro Boss Pin
Boss Rag Man
Monstro Pin Rag Man Needs to be unlocked

Boss Wave 1 Specific[]

Boss Blighted Ovum
Boss Gurglings
Boss Widow
Boss Steven
Blighted Ovum Gurglings Widow Steven Needs to be unlocked

Boss Wave 2 Specific[]

Boss Blighted Ovum
Boss Gurglings
Boss Famine
Boss Polycephalus
Blighted Ovum Gurglings Famine Needs to be unlocked Polycephalus
Boss Baby Plum
Baby Plum

Nightmare Wave Specific[]

Boss Larry Jr.
Boss Widow
Boss Steven
Boss The Husk
Larry Jr. Widow Steven Needs to be unlocked The Husk
Boss Polycephalus
Boss Headless Horseman
Polycephalus Headless Horseman Needs to be unlocked
Envy Gluttony Wrath Lust
