Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

The Bible is an activated item.

Effects[ | ]

  • Gives Isaac flight for the current room.
  • Instantly kills Boss Mom ingameMom, Boss Mom's Heart ingameMom's Heart, Boss It Lives ingameIt Lives, and their (in Repentance)MausoleumMausoleum / (in Repentance)GehennaGehenna variants upon use.
  • Using The Bible on Boss Satan ingameSatan has no effect on him but will kill Isaac instantly.
  • (except in Rebirth) This item belongs to the SeraphimSeraphim set. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac into an angel.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) This item belongs to the BookwormBookworm set. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac into Bookworm.

Notes[ | ]

  • Using The Bible on Boss Isaac ingameIsaac, Boss ??? ingame???, Boss The Lamb ingameThe Lamb, (except in Rebirth) Boss Hush ingameHush, Mega Satan Head ingameMega Satan, (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Boss Delirium ingameDelirium, (in Repentance) Boss Dogma ingameDogma, (in Repentance) Boss The Beast ingameThe Beast or (in Repentance) Boss Mother secondphase ingameMother has no special effect and does not kill Isaac.
    • Will not affect Delirium even if it is transformed into a relevant boss.
  • Switching active items while The Bible is active does not remove the flight, allowing continued flight until the room is exited.

Synergies[ | ]

  • (in Repentance)Collectible Book of Virtues iconBook of Virtues: Spawns white wisps in the inner ring. Wisps' tears have 0.75 shot speed and homing, and deal 6 damage +0.1 per floor.

Interactions[ | ]

Unlockable Achievements[ | ]

In-game footage[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • The Bible is a set of Christian scriptures, consisting of 73 books of the Old and New Testaments (66 in Protestant Bibles).
  • The Bible item instantly killing Boss Mom ingameMom, Boss Mom's Heart ingameMom's Heart, Boss It Lives ingameIt Lives! is a reference to the epilogue of The Binding of Isaac when the Bible hits Mom's head, knocking out or killing her.
  • In the original Binding of Isaac, using The Bible on Boss Isaac ingameIsaac and Boss ??? ingame??? would kill Isaac.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) This item is one of the only two ((in Repentance) five) in the game that work towards 2 transformations (Bookworm and Seraphim) and is the only activated item that does that. The other ones are (in Repentance)Collectible Hive Mind iconHive Mind, (in Repentance)Collectible Skatole iconSkatole, (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Magic Mushroom iconMagic Mushroom, and (in Repentance)Collectible Parasitoid iconParasitoid.
  • With an ID of 33, The Bible is the very first active item on the ordered ID list, likely due to its plot relevance.

Gallery[ | ]

Bugs[ | ]

Bug Bug! If The Bible is used on Mom with the Broken RemoteBroken Remote trinket, it will not kill Mom and will instead teleport Isaac randomly to another room. However, this still unlocks Collectible The Halo iconThe Halo as if Mom was killed with the Bible.
