Doctor's Remote is an activated item.
Effect[ | ]
- Upon activation, a large red crosshair will appear on the ground. The crosshair can be moved using tear controls.
- After approximately 2 seconds, a large missile will land on the red marker. The missile acts like a large bomb explosion, dealing 20 times Isaac's damage (the same as Epic Fetus).
Notes[ | ]
- This item shares many of the synergies and interactions with Epic Fetus.
- The red marker works different from Epic Fetus' marker when controlled with the mouse: While pressing mouse left button, it keeps going away from Isaac, not following the mouse.
- Activating the item again while the crosshair is on the ground will cancel the animation of Isaac holding up the remote and allow him to shoot tears sooner.
- Activating the item again while having full charge (e.g. with The Battery) will also deplete the charge, wasting it.
- Taking damage also cancels the animation.
- The missile will still drop on the crosshair, which can no longer be controlled.
- This will cancel the missile drop and remove the crosshair.
Synergies[ | ]
- Book of Virtues: Spawns grey bomb-like wisps in the middle ring. When Doctor's Remote is used, the wisps fire two inaccurate, explosive tears at the crosshair in an arc that deal 14 damage (28 with BFFS!).
Interactions[ | ]
- Car Battery: No effect.
- Tainted Azazel: Shoots thin Brimstone beams when rocket explodes. This behavior is not shared with Epic Fetus, which produces no brimstone lasers.
In-game Footage[ | ]
Trivia[ | ]
- This item is a reference to the remote Dr. Fetus uses several times throughout Super Meat Boy.
- Epic Fetus is the endless version of this Item and, as such, uses the same attack animation.
- The sprite of this item is identical to Teleport! and Teleport 2.0, but with a different color.
- In the original The Binding of Isaac, this item was used in the challenge "The Doctor's Revenge".
Gallery[ | ]
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |