Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

The debug console is accessible in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth † and The Binding of Isaac: Repentance . It is an extremely useful way to verify a particular game mechanic, explore a seed, or test various things about the game. Or, if you are a mod developer, you can use it to quickly test various things in your mods.

(in Afterbirth †) The debug console is only accessible if one or more mods are enabled. If you don't have any mods to enable, download one from Steam Workshop, or simply create an empty folder in your mods directory. (By default, the mods directory is located at "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods".) Note that achievements will be disabled if Mom has not been defeated on the savefile, and consequently unlocks will not happen, donation machines can't be filled nor the will item collection page record anything.

While many "enable debug console" mods exist on Steam Workshop, these do not explicitly enable the console or are required to enable it. ANY mod will enable the console, regardless of what the mod is named.

(in Repentance) At this moment, Repentance does not support mods, but the debug console can be enabled by editing "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Repentance\options.ini" file and setting the EnableDebugConsole option to 1. Note that all achievements are disabled while the console is enabled, regardless of whether it is used or not.

Using the Debug Console

To open the console, press the grave/tilde (~) key while in a run, or the appropriate key according to the keyboard used, as shown below.

Language Keyboard Key
English QWERTY ` or ~
Danish QWERTY æ
Finnish QWERTY ö
French AZERTY ù
German QWERTZ ö
Hungarian QWERTY ö
Italian QWERTY ò
Portuguese QWERTY ç
Russian (Русский) QWERTY ё
Spanish QWERTY ñ
Swedish QWERTY ö

To hide the console, hit Enter without typing anything or Esc.

Pressing the up arrow key will bring up the last command used.

Listed Commands

Commands are listed below in the order that they appear ingame.

Name Syntax Description
spawn mega maw
spawn 20
spawn 10.1
Spawns an entity at the center of the room.

The decimal format's syntax is as follows:


WARNING: Spawning invalid entities can lead to unexpected results and can crash the game!

goto s.boss.1010
goto s.error.21
goto d.10
Teleports Isaac to room layouts which are possible to generate in the current floor.

"s" indicates special room types and "d" indicates normal room types.

Attempting to enter a room that does not exist will print the message "Error changing room." to the console.

stage 1
stage 10a
stage 3b
Teleports Isaac to another floor.

To enter the WOTL alt version of a floor, the letter "a" is appended after the id. For Afterbirth alts, "b" is appended. Other letters will be ignored and result in the base game alt.

WARNING: Entering non-existent floors can lead to unexpected results and can crash the game! E.g. floors 14 +15.

gridspawn 1000
gridspawn 1494
gridspawn 9000
gridspawn 9100
Spawns a grid entity with the given ID at a random place in the room.
debug 8
Enables various cheats.
  • debug 1: "Entity Positions" - Draws a marker on the screen at the position of each entity.
  • debug 2: "Grid" - Shows the ID of grid entities on screen. (Seems to be bugged, as most grid entities appear as 1000 or simply don't match their true id.)
  • debug 3: "Infinite HP" - Taking damage does not decrease the player's health.
  • debug 4: "High Damage" - +40 damage
  • debug 5: "Show Room Info" - Displays text at the bottom of the screen about the current room.
  • debug 6: (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) "Textual Map" - Unknown, no visible effect.
  • debug 6: (in Repentance) "Show Hitspheres" - Draws red circles on the screen that represent an entity's damage hitbox.
  • debug 7: "Show Damage Values" - Displays how much damage is taken by entities. (Similar to (except in Rebirth)Collectible Spider Mod iconSpider Mod, but leaves the damage as their raw values and also includes player damage.)
  • debug 8: "Infinite Item Charges" - Isaac's active item is always fully charged.
  • debug 9: "High Luck" - +50 luck
  • debug 10: "Quick Kill" - All enemies take constant and rapid damage.
  • debug 11: "Grid Info" - Displays the coordinates for each square on the grid.
  • debug 12: (in Repentance) "Player Item Info" - Displays held collectibles and temporary collectible effects.
  • debug 13: (in Repentance) "Show Grid Collision Points" - Draws red circles on the screen that represent an entity's collision hitbox.
giveitem dr. fetus
giveitem c15
giveitem Petrified Poop
giveitem t15
giveitem ipec
givetim mutant sp
g soy milk
giveitem p0
g p22
giveitem k1
iveitem c6
g k45
Gives items, trinkets, cards, and pills.

Ids are prefixed with c for items, t for trinkets, p for pill effects, and k for cards. Runes and other pocket items use card ids.

remove t53
remove soy milk
remove cursed eye
r bob's brain
r experi
remove *
Removes items.

An asterisk (*) can be inputted to remove all items from Isaac.

costumetest 33
Gives Isaac a random amount of random costumes, without having the associated items.

A number can be provided to gain a specific amount of random costumes.

(except in Repentance) achievement
achievement 300
achievement meconium
achievement *
Unlocks the achievement of the specified id.

WARNING: This CANNOT be undone, and will unlock steam achievements!

Prints the total amount of time passed on the run (based on "game" frames / the in-game timer).
restart 6
Resets the game back to the beginning of a new run.

A number can be provided to start a new run as a specific character.

WARNING: Starting a run as an invalid character can lead to unexpected results and can crash the game!

Prints to the console a list of all items in Isaac's possession, and how many of each.
spawn 10
repeat 50
giveitem meat!
repeat 100
repeat 100
Repeats the last given command a number of times. Caps at 10000 repeats.
Removes all easter egg effects from the current run.
seed T1MM AY48
Starts a new run with the inputted seed.
challenge 20
Starts a new run on a random seed on the given challenge id.

0 will start a run without any challenge active.

WARNING: Starting a run in an invalid challenge will crash the game!

combo 0.69
Gives you an amount of random items from a specified item pool.

The decimal format's syntax is as follows:

[itempool #].[number of random items]
cutscene 1
Plays the specified cutscene.
Unknown. Possibly related to player cache flags.
macro mom
macro momh
macro hush
macro bigchest
macro hud
macro fc
macro ms
macro mss
macro ug
macro ugg
macro qk
Triggers a set of commands. Click Expand to view the full details.
  • mom: Sets the stage to Error: The given stage ("The Depths") does not exist., gives Isaac Collectible The Bible iconThe Bible, IV - The EmperorIV - The Emperor, damage immunity, and +40 damage.
stage 6
g Bible
g k5
debug 3
debug 4
  • momh: Sets the stage to Error: The given stage ("The Womb") does not exist., gives Isaac Collectible The Bible iconThe Bible, IV - The EmperorIV - The Emperor, damage immunity, and +40 damage.
stage 8
g Bible
g k5
debug 3
debug 4
stage 9
g k5
combo 0.8
combo 2.8
combo 1.3
combo 4.3
stage 10a
g Polaroid
g Negative
debug 3
debug 4
g Mutant
g Soy
giveitem Belt
repeat 5
giveitem Lord of the Pit
debug 10
g k5
giveitem Dead Cat
repeat 2
giveitem Guppy's Collar
giveitem MEAT!
repeat 12
giveitem Compass
giveitem Blue Map
giveitem Treasure Map
giveitem Baggy
giveitem p2
giveitem p3
giveitem Purse
giveitem Paper Clip
giveitem Petrified
giveitem My Little Unicorn
  • fc: Gives Isaac Collectible Soy Milk iconSoy Milk, Collectible Iron Bar iconIron Bar, Collectible Mom's Pad iconMom's Pad, activates debug flags for infinite health, unlimited charges and high luck. Was used for testing the fear status effect.
debug 3
debug 8
debug 9
giveitem Soy
giveitem Bar
giveitem Pad
goto s.boss.5000
goto s.boss.5000
giveitem Soy
giveitem Mutant
debug 3
debug 4
  • ug: Teleports Isaac to The Chest and attempts to load boss room with id 6000 which does not exist. Was used for Ultra Greed testing.
    • (in Repentance) Room with id 6000 is now used so the macro teleports Isaac to it instead.
stage 11a
goto s.boss.6000
stage 11a
goto s.boss.6000
giveitem Sad Onion
giveitem Sad Onion
giveitem Torn
giveitem Torn
giveitem Mutant
giveitem Pentagram
giveitem A Dollar
giveitem Pyro
debug 3
giveitem Belt
repeat 5
giveitem Lord of the Pit
giveitem Treasure Map
giveitem Blue Map
giveitem Compass
giveitem Black Candle
giveitem X-Ray
giveitem We Need to Go Deeper
debug 8
giveitem Dollar
giveitem Pyro
giveitem Skeleton Key
debug 3
debug 10
  • (except in Repentance) sg: Unusable, crashes the game on any game mode.
    • (in Repentance) This macro was removed.
playsfx 1
Plays the specified sound effect id.
Used to log some information to csv file in the working directory (game folder by default). Doesn't work anymore.
Stops csv file logging, doesn't work anymore.
curse 2
curse 16
curse 127
Sets a value corresponding to the sum of the desired curses. Doesn't work.

(in Repentance) Now the command works properly.

Generates a new layout for the current floor with a new floor seed.
Unlocks all Easter Eggs in the menu.

WARNING: This CANNOT be undone!

copy 3
Copies a specified amount of previous console commands to your clipboard.

The commands can be pasted into a text editor and/or into the game again, triggering the commands which have been copied.

luarun /full_path/hello.lua
luarun relative_path/hello.lua
Takes a path to a lua file and runs it immediately. Paths are relative to the folder where the game is installed.
Reports memory usage for Lua.
luamod mygreatmod
Takes a mod folder name and runs the main.lua for it. This can be used to reload a mod without relaunching the game.
Reloads the graphical shaders. (Has no discernible in-game effect.)
lua print("Hello World!")

l for _,v in pairs(Isaac.GetRoomEntities()) do if v:IsVulnerableEnemy() then print(v.HitPoints.."/"..v.MaxHitPoints) end end
Directly runs a line of Lua code.

The first example simply prints "Hello World!" to the console, while the second prints the current HP and max HP of every vulnerable enemy in the room. There are also further Lua debug snippets leveraging the Modding API to find out information about otherwise hidden details.

Clears the console. Useful for video recording purposes or if you want to dispose of incriminating evidence.
(in Repentance) metro
metro c1
This guarantees the next item chosen when using (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Metronome iconMetronome (for debugging purposes).
(in Repentance) delirious
delirious 1
This guarantees the next boss chosen when using (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Delirious iconDelirious (for debugging purposes).

Unlisted Commands

These commands do not appear in the console but can still be used.

Name Syntax Description
Restocks all shops.
(in Repentance) g2


giveitem2 c105
g2 ipecac
Same as giveitem but for a secondary character such as Esau.
(in Repentance) r2


remove2 c1
r2 soy milk
Same as remove but for a secondary character such as Esau.
(in Repentance) forceroom
forceroom s.boss.1010
Allows to set any room as "forced room". Behavior is unknown.
(in Repentance) addplayer
addplayer 1
addplayer 6 1
Spawns a new player entity (Isaac by default) with controls set to id 0 by default. You can specify player type and controller id in the command.
(in Repentance) rewind
Makes the game forget about the changes in current room and teleports Isaac back to previous room. (Glowing Hourglass-like effect)
(in Repentance) testbosspool
Prints a list of boss names and number values (purpose unknown) for current floor.
(in Repentance) netstart
netstart <steam_user_id1> <steam_user_id2> <steam_user_id3>
Connects player(s) with specified Steam ID to your game (online multiplayer). Allows up to 4 players. You can also use aliases if you add them in steamids.txt file in your local savedata (where options.ini is stored) folder in following format:
alias id
alias id
alias id

Both you and other players should have Repentance opened (with --networktest parameter specified when launching the game). Achievements would go to the host if there was a way to access multiplayer without debug console. Can be unstable at times, so be careful.

(in Repentance) netdelay
netdelay 2
Changes network delay to a specified value. Can be useful if you see stutters during online gameplay.

Unused Commands

These commands were present in the game at some point but do not do anything now.

Name Description
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) prof Used to start profiling and write data to a table file in the working directory (game files location). Was removed because of sandbox security concerns.
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) profstop Used to stop profiling. Was removed because of sandbox security concerns.
(in Repentance) achievement Used to give Steam achievements but was removed as a way to prevent cheating.


  • (in Repentance) In Repentance, going to non-standard stages will crash the game.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) In Afterbirth+, going to non-standard stages will crash the game, with the exception of stage 13. It consists of 2x1 vertical rooms that have doors that only sometimes close, minimal enemies (usually a few of the same type), and uses Error: The given stage ("The Caves") does not exist. background. The music is a single layer of either the (except in Rebirth)??????, Error: The given stage ("the Cellar") does not exist., Error: The given stage ("The Basement") does not exist. or the (except in Rebirth)Burning BasementBurning Basement music, and only plays when enemies are in the room. The boss is always The Duke of Flies, and no trapdoor or items spawn when the boss is defeated.
    • Stage 13a is the same, but with Error: The given stage ("The Depths") does not exist. background. The boss is always Monstro II.
    • Stage 13b is the same, but with Error: The given stage ("The Womb") does not exist. background. The boss is always The Duke of Flies.
    • The enemy spawn patterns are the same as the waves in Greed mode, suggesting that this stage is used to store the waves in the game.
    • The name display while holding Tab on PC/Back on Xbox 360/Touchpad or L2 on PS4/Minus on Switch will show up their respective overlay's stage name, but without the I or II, e.g. Normally it's Caves II, but in this stage is referred to only Caves, just like CathedralCathedral, SheolSheol, (except in Rebirth)??????, Error: The given stage ("The Chest") does not exist., Dark RoomDark Room and (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)The VoidThe Void, i.e Chapters 4.5 and above.
  • Entering "stage 8" in Greed or Greedier mode will grant access to (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)The VoidThe Void. The rooms have random backdrops and the music is the same as The Void in regular mode, but the boss is Ultra Greed and will drop the Final Boss Chest. Entering The Chest will play the final ending instead of ending 18 or 19.
  • Attempting to give yourself all the items using "giveitem *" will print the message "What are you trying to do?" to the console and will give nothing.
  • Monster champion types go up to 48590, with anything beyond the 24 used types resulting in a monster that has double (maximum) HP, no other special abilities and often exotic color palettes not normally seen. Any higher will crash the game.
    • (in Repentance) Champions types above the 26 defined ones are mostly invisible and have no clear upper number, but may cause a crash at any time.


Bug Bug! If a champion is spawned via the "spawn" command, it will have the same amount of health as the non-champion version of that monster, unless the spawned champion variant has decreased amount of health.
