Using the Credit Card in a Shop instantly removes the cost of all items in that shop, allowing Isaac to take all of them for free.
Using the Credit Card in a Devil Room or Black Market allows Isaac to take all the items without any health cost.
Taking Devil Room items with the Credit Card does not prevent Angel Rooms from appearing.
Free items will remain free, even if Isaac leaves the current room.
Works with the Blank Card, allowing Isaac to purchase all items from every Shop, if used correctly.
Using the Credit Card in a Shop prevents Restock from working in this Shop only. However, Restock Machines will work, creating new items.
Can be used in the starting room of Dark Room, allowing all four items to be taken for free.
Credit Card is given significantly more detail in its Four Souls card, showing it to be owned by Isaac's Mom.
The Credit Card itself is from "Heavenly Rewards", with a symbol resembling an upside-down Godhead in the bottom right corner.
The last four digits on the Credit Card are "0109", a reference to a bug involving the Greed Donation Machine that was later incorporated in an ARG that added Keeper to the game.