Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

Challenge Rooms are special rooms that allow Isaac to fight enemies for extra rewards. They will only spawn on a floor if, upon entering the floor, Isaac's total health is greater than or equal to his number of heart containers. There are two kinds of challenge rooms: Normal Challenge Rooms, which appear on the first floor of a chapter or on Curse of the LabyrinthCurse of the Labyrinth floors, and Boss Challenge Rooms, which appear on the second floor of a chapter. Challenge rooms do not appear in chapter 6.

Normal Challenge Room[]

Challenge Room

Normal Challenge Rooms can only be entered via their doors if Isaac's total health (Red, Black, and Soul Hearts) is greater than or equal to his number of heart containers. Picking up its contents will cause three waves of enemies to spawn. While in chapter 4 (WombWomb/UteroUtero/(except in Rebirth)Scarred WombScarred Womb), 3 waves of bosses will be spawned, typically from Chapters 1 or 2.

(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Each wave cleared will charge Isaac's active item by 1.

(except in Repentance) Waves[]

The enemies that spawn depend on the current chapter, and each chapter has two different possible sets of enemies:

Floor Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3
BasementBasement 3 HopperHoppers 3 HorfHorfs 2 ClottyClotties
5 Attack FlyAttack Flies 5 PooterPooters 4 GaperGapers
CellarCellar 3 FattyFatties 3 Round WormRound Worms 5 DipDips
3 GaperGapers 3 HorfHorfs 3 FattyFatties
CavesCaves 5 ChargerChargers 4 GlobinGlobins 4 MawMaws
5 SpittySpitties 3 HiveHives 3 HostHosts
CatacombsCatacombs 2 BonyBonies 2 TumorTumors 3 Wall CreepWall Creeps
4 Round WormRound Worms 3 Night CrawlerNight Crawlers 1 GrubGrub
DepthsDepths 3 VisVises 4 LeaperLeapers 4 GlobinGlobins
4 BabyBabies 5 HopperHoppers 4 KnightKnights
NecropolisNecropolis 4 KnightKnights 3 Mom's HandMom's Hands 3 Fat SackFat Sacks
4 BonyBonies 2 SquirtSquirts 3 NullsNulls
3 Boss Larry Jr. ingameLarry Jr. Boss Chub ingameChub and 3 ChargerChargers 2 Boss Monstro ingameMonstros
Boss Fistula ingameFistula Boss Loki ingameLoki Boss Chub ingameChub
3 Boss Larry Jr. ingameLarry Jr. Boss Chub ingameChub and 3 ChargerChargers 2 Boss Monstro ingameMonstros
Boss Fistula ingameFistula Boss Loki ingameLoki Boss Chub ingameChub

(in Repentance) Waves (Sorted By Difficulty; Basement, Cellar, and Burning Basement Unused)[]

Floor Easy Normal Hard Hardest
BasementBasement 3 HopperHoppers / 5 Attack FlyAttack Flies / 4 DipDips 3 HorfHorfs / 5 PooterPooters / 2 3-Segment Army FlyArmy Flies 2 ClottyClotties / 4 Frowning GaperFrowning Gapers / 1 SquirtSquirt and 2 DipDips 3 Level 2 FlyLevel 2 Flies and 2 Full FlyFull Flies / 3 SuckerSuckers / 4 CyclopiaCyclopias / 3 MinistroMinistros
CellarCellar 3 Level 2 SpiderLevel 2 Spiders / 5 SpiderSpiders / 3 SackSacks 4 TriteTrites / 3 Small Crazy Long LegsSmall Crazy Long Legs / 3 Wall CreepWall Creeps 2 NestNests / 2 Crazy Long LegsCrazy Long Legs / 3 Small Baby Long LegsSmall Baby Long Legs 2 Baby Long LegsBaby Long Legs / 2 Big SpiderBig Spiders and 2 SpiderSpiders / 2 Blind CreepBlind Creeps / 2 MigraineMigraines
Burning BasementBurning Basement 2 Flaming HopperFlaming Hoppers 5 Dart FlyDart Flies / 2 Pairs of 5 SwarmSwarms / 2 Pairs of 4 Swarm SpiderSwarm Spiders 3 Flaming FattyFlaming Fatties / 4 SuckerSuckers / 2 Grilled ClottyGrilled Clotties 4 Flaming HopperFlaming Hoppers / 4 CrispyCrispies
DownpourDownpour 2 BlurbBlurbs / 5 Small LeechSmall Leeches / 4 StriderStriders 4 Frowning GaperFrowning Gapers and 1 WraithWraith / 2 PreyPreys / 3 Sub HorfSub Horfs 5 WilloWillos and 2 StriderStriders / 2 BubblesBubbles and 2 StriderStriders / 3 BloatyBloaties 4 Sub HorfSub Horfs and 2 BlurbBlurbs / 2 MullighoulMullighouls
DrossDross 5 DripDrips / 5 Small LeechSmall Leeches / 2 Dump HeadDump Heads 3 CloggyCloggies / 2 Gas DwarfGas Dwarves and 4 Gas Clouds / 4 Big CornBig Corns 4 BlurbBlurbs / 2 BubblesBubbles and 2 Sub HorfSub Horfs / 3 DumpDumps 2 CloggyCloggies and 1 SplurtSplurt / 2 Gas DwarfGas Dwarves and 2 Poot MinePoot Mines / 4 Boom FlyBoom Flies and 4 Gas Clouds
CavesCaves 5 Conjoined SpittyConjoined Spitties / 4 BoilBoils / 6 MaggotMaggots 3 HiveHives / 3 GlobinGlobins / 4 ChargerChargers 3 HostHosts / 3 MawMaw / 2 Conjoined FattyConjoined Fatties 4 Pale FattyPale Fatties/ 2 TumorTumors / 4 Red Boom FlyRed Boom Flies
CatacombsCatacombs 5 Round WormRound Worms / 4 Wall CreepWall Creeps / 4 SplasherSplashers 3 Night CrawlerNight Crawlers / 2 2-Segment ButtlickerButtlickers and 1 3-Segment ButtlickerButtlicker / 3 Boom FlyBoom Flies 1 3-Segment GrubGrub / 3 One ToothOne Tooths / 3 Psychic HorfPsychic Horfs 2 Mobile HostMobile Hosts / 4 ChubberChubbers / 4 GurgleGurgles
Flooded CavesFlooded Caves 4 Conjoined SpittyConjoined Spitties / 3 Drowned Boom FlyDrowned Boom Flies 2 Drowned HiveDrowned Hives / 3 GlobinGlobins / 3 Night CrawlerNight Crawler 4 MawMaws / 2 SquirtSquirts / 2 Drowned Boom FlyDrowned Boom Flies and 2 DukieDukies 4 BlubberBlubbers and 2 Conjoined FattyConjoined Fatties / 5 Drowned ChargerDrowned Chargers / 3 Tube WormTube Worms
MinesMines 4 Soy CreepSoy Creeps / 4 InkInks / 3 Fly BombFly Bombs 2 QuakeyQuakeys and 2 Rock SpiderRock Spiders / 2 InkInks and 2 Soy CreepSoy Creeps / 2 Hard HostHard Hosts 2 DannyDannies / 2 GyroGyros / 2 GyroGyros and 1 BouncerBouncer / 2 HardyHardies 2 BlasterBlasters / 4 FacelessFacelesses / 4 MoleMoles
AshpitAshpit 3 BonyBonies / 6 Rock SpiderRock Spiders / 3 Clickety ClackClickety Clacks 3 Bone FlyBone Flies / 3 Flesh MaidenFlesh Maidens / 2 NecroNecros 2 HardyHardies / 2 Big BonyBig Bonies / 3 Carrion PrincessCarrion Princesss / 4 DustDusts 3 PastyPasties / 2 BlasterBlasters and 2 Fly BombFly Bombs / 4 BonyBonies and 3 Dusty Death's HeadDusty Death's Heads / 3 CrackleCrackles
DepthsDepths 3 VisVises / 4 BabyBabies / 4 BrainBrains 4 LeaperLeapers / 5 RottyRotties / 3 Lil' HauntLil' Haunts 4 KnightKnights / 3 Fat SackFat Sacks / 3 NeedleNeedles 3 Mr. MawMr. Maws / 3 WizoobWizoobs / 3 Mom's HandMom's Hands / 2 Mr. Red MawMr. Red Maws
NecropolisNecropolis 3 BonyBonies / 3 GurgleGurgles / 2 Lil' HauntLil' Haunts 2 SwarmerSwarmers and 4 PooterPooters / 3 Double VisDouble Vises / 3 Rage CreepRage Creeps 2 Mask HeartMask + Heart Pairs / 4 KeeperKeepers / 3 Psychic MawPsychic Maws / 3 EggyEggies 3 Fat SackFat Sacks / 3 WizoobWizoobs / 3 HangerHangers / 1 DingaDingas
Dank DepthsDank Depths 4 ClotClots / 2 Dank SquirtDank Squirts / 2 Sticky LeaperSticky Leapers 6 Dank Death's HeadDank Death's Heads / 1 Mega ClottyMega Clotty / 4 SlogSlogs / 6 InkInks 3 Black BonyBlack Bonies and 2 Death's HeadDeath's Heads / 4 Black BonyBlack Bonies / 3 Dank ChargerDank Chargers / 2 Tar BoyTar Boys and 1 Dank SquirtDank Squirt 1 Mom's Dead HandMom's Dead Hand and 1 Dank GlobinDank Globin / 4 Dank GlobinDank Globins / 2 3-Segment Butt SlickerButt Slickers / 5 Sticky LeaperSticky Leapers
MausoleumMausoleum 3 BonyBonies / 2 Psychic MawPsychic Maws / 4 Soul SuckerSoul Suckers 2 Loose KnightLoose Knights / 2 WhipperWhippers / 4 CandlerCandlers / 1 Cursed GlobinCursed Globin 2 SnapperSnappers / 2 Vis VersaVis Versas / 2 Vis FattyVis Fatties / 2 Vis VersaVis Versas 2 Lil PortalLil Portals/ 1 BonyBony and 2 CultistCultists / 2 BishopBishops and 2 Baby BegottenBaby Begottens / 2 RevenantRevenants
GehennaGehenna 3 BonyBonies / 4 Soul SuckerSoul Suckers | 2 BegottenBegottens / 2 PooferPoofers 2 WhipperWhippers / 2 Baby BegottenBaby Begottens / 1 Cursed GlobinCursed Globin / 2 SnapperSnappers 2 Maze RoamerMaze Roamers / 2 Vis VersaVis Versas / 2 Vis FattyVis Fatties / 2 Black KnightBlack Knights 3 Blood CultistBlood Cultists / 2 Mask Heart IIMask II + 1/2 Heart Pairs / 8 GoatGoats / 3 Black GoatBlack Goats
WombWomb 3 3-Segment Boss Larry Jr. ingameLarry Jr. / 2 MemBrainMemBrains / 3 FredFreds 4 LeechLeeches / 3 SwingerSwingers / 2 Mega ClottyMega Clotties 1 Boss Chub ingameChub / 2 Boss Monstro ingameMonstros / 1 Boss Fistula ingameFistula 2 Boss Gemini ingameGeminis / 2 Boss Pin ingamePins / 2 Boss Polycephalus ingamePolycephaluses
UteroUtero 3 3-Segment Boss The Hollow ingameThe Hollows / 2 Mama GutsMama Guts / 4 Mask HeartHearts 2 OobOobs / 3 GurglingGurglings / 4 Para-BitePara-Bites / 2 PlanetoidPlanetoids 1 Boss C.H.A.D. ingameC.H.A.D./ 3 Mask HeartMask + Heart Pairs / 2 Boss Widow ingameWidows / 4 Red GhostRed Ghosts / 2 FloastFloasts 2 Boss Blighted Ovum ingameBlighted Ovums / 1 GluttonyGluttony and 1 Super GluttonySuper Gluttony / 1 Boss Blastocyst ingameBlastocyst (Small) and 4 EmbryoEmbryos / 4 Poison MindPoison Minds/ 2 Peeping FattyPeeping Fatties
Scarred WombScarred Womb 1 Mama GutsMama Guts and 4 Scarred GutsScarred Guts / 2 Red HostRed Hosts and 2 BrainBrains / 3 FistuloidFistuloids 4 Scarred Double VisScarred Double Vises / 4 Scarred Para-BiteScarred Para-Bites 4 MeatballMeatballs / 3 Flesh Mobile HostFlesh Mobile Hosts 2 Boss Monstro ingameMonstros / 2 EyeEyes and 4 Nerve EndingNerve Endings / 2 LeperLepers (Stage 2) and 2 LeperLepers (Stage 4)
CorpseCorpse 20 Small MaggotSmall Maggots / 2 SlothSloths / 2 Level 2 ChargerLevel 2 Chargers and 4 ChargerChargers / 4 PustulePustules 3 Wrinkly BabyWrinkly Babies / 3 Sick Boom FlySick Boom Flies / 2 Level 2 HorfLevel 2 Horfs / 3 TwitchyTwitchies 3 CystCysts / 1 CohortCohort / 2 Mama FlyMama Flies and 4 PustulePustules / 2 Level 2 GaperLevel 2 Gapers 1 Boss Chub ingameChub, 2 ChargerChargers, and 5 Small MaggotSmall Maggots / 1 Adult LeechAdult Leech and 2 LeechLeechs / 2 CystCysts and 1 Dead MeatDead Meat / 4 Level 2 ChargerLevel 2 Chargers
CathedralCathedral 3 Holy LeechHoly Leeches / 3 Angelic BabyAngelic Babies / 4 BonyBonies and 2 Death's HeadDeath's Heads 5 WizoobWizoobs / 7 Pale FattyPale Fatties / 4 HangerHangers / 3 CandlerCandlers 2 WrathWraths / 2 Psy TumorPsy Tumors / 1 Boss Daddy Long Legs ingameDaddy Long Legs / 2 BishopBishops and 1 Angelic BabyAngelic Baby / 2 Holy MulliganHoly Mulligans 1 Boss Conquest ingameConquest / 1 Boss Headless Horseman ingameHeadless Horsemen Heads / 2 GreedGreeds / 2 Holy BonyHoly Bonies
SheolSheol 4 Kamikaze LeechKamikaze Leeches / 3 BegottenBegottens / 3 Black GlobinBlack Globins / 3 ImpImps 3 Selfless KnightSelfless Knights / 2 Black MawBlack Maws / 4 Black Globin's HeadBlack Globin's Heads / 3 WhipperWhippers 4 NullsNulls / 2 Bloodshot EyeBloodshot Eyes / 2 Camillo Jr.Camillo Jr. / 2 SnapperSnappers / 2 Bloodshot EyeBloodshot Eyes and 1 Soul SuckerSoul Sucker 2 GreedGreeds / 1 Boss Death ingameDeath / 2 Boss Dark One ingameDark Ones / 1 Boss The Pile ingameThe Pile

Boss Challenge Room[]

Boss Challenge Room Door

Boss Challenge Rooms will only spawn if Isaac has full health upon entering the second floor of a chapter, and can also only be entered via their doors if he has one or fewer hearts of health. Picking up its contents will cause two waves of bosses to spawn. Starting on Chapter 4, they use the same waves of bosses as Normal Challenge Rooms.

(in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Each wave cleared will charge Isaac's active item by 1.

(except in Repentance) The Boss Challenge Room door only counts Red Hearts in determining whether Isaac is allowed to enter. Soul Hearts are ignored.
(in Repentance) Boss Challenge Rooms require one or fewer hearts total to enter, counting Soul Hearts. Boss Challenge Rooms will always contain an item from the Boss item pool.

The bosses that spawn depend on the current chapter. Alternate floors have two possible sets of bosses that could spawn:

(except in Repentance) Boss Waves[]

Floor Wave 1 Wave 2
BasementBasement Boss Monstro ingameMonstro Boss Larry Jr. ingameLarry Jr.
CellarCellar Boss Pin ingamePin Boss Gurglings ingameGurglings
Boss Dingle ingameDingle Boss Gemini ingameGemini
CavesCaves Boss Chub ingameChub Boss Peep ingamePeep
CatacombsCatacombs Boss Mega Fatty ingameMega Fatty Boss Mega Maw ingameMega Maw
Boss Fistula ingameFistula Boss The Haunt ingameThe Haunt
DepthsDepths Boss Loki ingameLoki Boss Monstro II ingameMonstro II
NecropolisNecropolis Boss Mega Maw ingameMega Maw Boss The Husk ingameThe Husk
Boss Dark One ingameDark One Boss Loki ingameLoki

(in Repentance) Boss Waves (Sorted By Difficulty)[]

Floor Easy Normal Hard
BasementBasement Boss Monstro ingameMonstro / Boss Gemini ingameGemini 3 3-Segment Boss Larry Jr. ingameLarry Jr. / Boss The Duke of Flies ingameThe Duke of Flies Boss Gurglings ingameGurglings / Boss Dingle ingameDingle
CellarCellar Boss Pin ingamePin / Boss The Duke of Flies ingameThe Duke of Flies Boss Widow ingameWidow/ Boss Blighted Ovum ingameBlighted Ovum Boss The Haunt ingameThe Haunt / Boss Little Horn ingameLittle Horn / Boss Baby Plum ingameBaby Plum
Burning BasementBurning Basement Boss Dangle ingameDangle Boss Turdlings ingameTurdlings / Boss Little Horn ingameLittle Horn Boss Rag Man ingameRag Man
DownpourDownpour Boss The Haunt ingameThe Haunt Boss The Rainmaker ingameThe Rainmaker Boss Lil Blub (Downpour) ingameLil Blub / Boss Min-Min ingameMin-Min
DrossDross Boss Dingle ingameDingle Boss Lil Blub (Downpour) ingameLil Blub 5-Segment Boss Turdlet ingameTurdlet/ Boss Clog ingameClog
CavesCaves Boss Chub ingameChub / Boss Fistula ingameFistula Boss Peep ingamePeep / Boss Gurdy Jr. ingameGurdy Jr. / Boss Pin ingamePin and 2 NeedleNeedles Boss Polycephalus ingamePolycephalus / Boss Mega Maw ingameMega Maw
CatacombsCatacombs Boss The Husk ingameThe Husk / 2 4-Segment Boss The Hollow ingameThe Hollows Boss The Wretched ingameThe Wretched and 2 TriteTrites / Boss Gurdy Jr. ingameGurdy Jr. / Boss The Stain ingameThe Stain Boss Dark One ingameDark One / Boss Carrion Queen ingameCarrion Queen
Flooded CavesFlooded Caves Boss The Forsaken ingameThe Forsaken / Boss Gurdy Jr. ingameGurdy Jr. Boss The Stain ingameThe Stain/ Boss Rag Mega ingameRag Mega Boss The Frail ingameThe Frail / Boss Big Horn ingameBig Horn
MinesMines 2 WrathWraths 4-Segment Boss Larry Jr. ingameLarry Jr., 5-Segment Boss Tuff Twins ingameTuff Twin, and 1 Bomb GrimaceBomb Grimace Boss Reap Creep ingameReap Creep
AshpitAshpit Super WrathSuper Wrath Boss The Pile ingameThe Pile / 5-Segment Boss The Shell ingameThe Shell and 1 Bomb GrimaceBomb Grimace Boss Singe ingameSinge and 4 Singe's BallSinge's Balls / Boss Clutch ingameClutch and 3 Clickety ClackClickety Clacks
DepthsDepths Boss Loki ingameLoki / Boss Gurdy ingameGurdy Boss Monstro II ingameMonstro II / 2 Boss Little Horn ingameLittle Horns Boss The Bloat ingameThe Bloat / Boss The Gate ingameThe Gate
NecropolisNecropolis Boss Loki ingameLoki Boss The Adversary ingameThe Adversary / Boss The Pile ingameThe Pile Boss The Cage ingameThe Cage / Boss Mask of Infamy ingameMask of Infamy
Dank DepthsDank Depths Boss Gish ingameGish / Boss Monstro II ingameMonstro II 2 Boss Little Horn ingameLittle Horns / 2 Boss Rag Man ingameRag Men Boss Brownie ingameBrownie / Boss Sisters Vis ingameSisters Vis
MausoleumMausoleum Boss Rag Mega ingameRag Mega Boss The Heretic ingameThe Heretic Boss The Siren ingameThe Siren
GehennaGehenna Boss Sisters Vis ingameSisters Vis Boss The Visage ingameThe Visage Boss The Horny Boys ingameThe Horny Boys
WombWomb Boss Blastocyst ingameBlastocyst / Boss Lokii ingameLokii Boss The Stain ingameThe Stain / 3 Boss Gurglings ingameGurglings Boss The Bloat ingameThe Bloat / Boss The Cage ingameThe Cage
UteroUtero Boss Blastocyst ingameBlastocyst / Boss Lokii ingameLokii Boss Teratoma ingameTeratoma / Boss Daddy Long Legs ingameDaddy Long Legs Boss The Bloat ingameThe Bloat / 2 Boss Gurdy Jr. ingameGurdy Jr.s
Scarred WombScarred Womb Boss Blastocyst ingameBlastocyst / Boss Polycephalus ingamePolycephalus / Boss Lokii ingameLokii Boss Fistula ingameFistula / Boss Gurdy Jr. ingameGurdy Jr. + 1 Boss Gurglings ingameGurgling Boss The Matriarch ingameThe Matriarch / Boss The Bloat ingameThe Bloat / Boss Mama Gurdy ingameMama Gurdy
CorpseCorpse 2 Super SlothSuper Sloths / 2 Super GluttonySuper Gluttonies Boss Chimera ingameChimera / 2 Boss Chub ingameChubs Boss The Scourge ingameThe Scourge


The following room maps were made using Basement Renovator for cleaner viewing; note that both normal and boss challenge rooms use the same layouts.

ID Weight Notes Image preview
0-2 1.0 This room appears three times in the room pool, making it three times more likely to appear than normal. Challenge 0-2
3-4 1.0 This room appears twice in the room pool, making it twice as likely to appear than normal. Challenge 3-4
5 0.5 The item will be from the Treasure Room pool. Challenge 5
6 1.0 Challenge 6
7 0.75 Challenge 7
8 0.5 Challenge 8
9 0.5 Challenge 9
10 0.5 Challenge 10
11 1.0 Challenge 11
12 1.0 Challenge 12


  • (in Repentance)Temporary TattooTemporary Tattoo will cause an additional chest to spawn after a normal Challenge Room is completed as well as cause an additional item from the Boss item pool to spawn after completing a Boss Challenge Room.
  • (except in Rebirth) The waves appear in random orders rather than the orders listed above.
  • If Isaac has some way to teleport out of the room, the contents of the Challenge Room can be taken without fighting the enemies.
    • If a trigger to start a challenge room is left in the room after teleporting out (such as a chest or active item) or an item is spawned in the room and collected (such as rewards from BeggarBeggars or Blood Donation MachineBlood Donation Machines), the challenge room will start over when it is picked up/opened.
  • If a Secret RoomSecret Room is next to a Challenge Room, it can be entered by using a bomb in the Secret Room on the wall separating the two rooms. However, the entrance to the Secret Room from the Challenge Room closes itself, meaning Isaac cannot escape through the Secret Room entrance.
    • If GreedGreed or Super GreedSuper Greed spawn in the secret room however, the wall leading to the challenge room will be barred up and cannot be bombed open. The metal bars do not disappear after they are defeated or if the player leaves the room, meaning they can only enter the challenge room the traditional way.
    • (in Repentance) If Isaac bombs into either variation of Challenge Room through a Secret Room and leaves, the bombed entrance will close and must be bombed open again.
  • If Spiders spawn from a Red Chest before or during a wave, the Spiders have to be killed in order for the waves to start/continue.
    • If Spiders spawn from a Red Chest after the challenge room is cleared, Isaac can leave the room without fighting them.
  • Because of the health requirements, both types of Challenge Room will always be open for Character The Lost iconThe Lost, Character Tainted Lost iconTainted Lost (except in Repentance) and Character ??? (Character) icon???.
    • (in Repentance) As Boss Challenge Rooms now take soul hearts into account, Soul Heart characters are now also forced to be at one heart before being allowed access.
  • Doors to challenge rooms can be opened regardless of health with Collectible Dad's Key iconDad's Key or (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Collectible Mr. ME! iconMr. ME!
  • (in Repentance) Using Collectible Glowing Hourglass iconGlowing Hourglass will re-roll the enemies involved in both variations.
  • (in Repentance) Boss Challenge Room doors do not count Bone Hearts as long as they are not filled with Red Hearts, so picking up an item like Collectible Brittle Bones iconBrittle Bones will allow entry, despite the player technically having more than one heart of health.
  • (in Repentance) In cases in which there are multiple characters on screen (such as when playing Co-op, being Character Jacob and Esau iconJacob and Esau, etc.), all characters must meet the requirement for the door to open.


Bug Bug! (in Rebirth and Afterbirth) If the game crashes or you close it before you finish the challenge room it will crash every time you try to continue that run.
Bug Bug! If Isaac encounters Greed or Super Greed in a Secret Room next to a boss challenge room, the path to the boss challenge room is boarded up from the mini-boss fight. Defeating Greed or Super Greed does not remove the boards, despite the room no longer being active.
