Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

(except in Rebirth)

Censer is an unlockable passive item added in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth.


  • Spawns a familiar projecting a circular aura that slows enemies and enemy shots within its radius and for a short period once they exit.


  • The aura does not affect bosses but slows down their shots.
    • Bosses that use tight volleys of projectiles are extremely difficult to avoid without additional items to block, remove, or redirect those shots, as the slowing effect will cause their attacks to clump together.
  • (in Repentance) Familiars that follow behind Isaac have a certain priority in how close their position is to him over other familiars, with Censer having 4th priority.
  • The aura partially resists Curse of Darkness


  • (in Repentance)Collectible 2Spooky icon2Spooky / Collectible Venus iconVenus: The slowing aura mitigates the delay between fast enemies that charge Isaac and the status effect, making it much harder for Isaac to take contact damage.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Bot Fly iconBot Fly / Collectible Psy Fly iconPsy Fly: The slowing aura allows these items to deal with the incoming projectiles more reliably.
  • Collectible The Soul iconThe Soul: The slowing aura allows incoming enemies and shots to be more reliably deflected.


  • Collectible BFFS! iconBFFS!: The aura does not slow things from further away despite increased visual size.
  • (in Repentance)Collectible Montezuma's Revenge iconMontezuma's Revenge: The corn shots are slowed by the aura.

In-game Footage[]


  • A censer is a container used to burn incense.

