Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

Brother Bobby is a passive item.


  • Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around shooting tears that deal 3.5 damage.
    • (except in Repentance) Brother Bobby shoots once per second.
    • (in Repentance) Brother Bobby shoots 1.88 times per second.
  • (except in Rebirth) This item belongs to the ConjoinedConjoined set. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac into a three-faced version of himself.


  • (except in Repentance) Brother Bobby is functionally identical to Collectible Sister Maggy iconSister Maggy.
  • (in Repentance) Brother Bobby has a higher tear rate than Collectible Sister Maggy iconSister Maggy, whereas Sister Maggy has increased damage.
  • (in Repentance) Familiars that follow behind Isaac have a certain priority in how close their position is to him over other familiars, with Brother Bobby having 5th priority.


In-game Footage[]


  • Brother Bobby, like Character ??? (Character) icon???, is a reference to Edmund McMillen's older game Dead Baby Dressup.
  • This item is named after a baby doll that Edmund had as he was a child.
  • This item is used in The Family Man (challenge #19) and (except in Rebirth) Blue Bomber (challenge #23).
  • In the original game, the item Collectible Holy Water iconHoly Water will turn one of your shooting familiars into Brother Bobby until the bottle is broken.
