Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki

The Basement is one of the environments in Chapter 1. Unlocked at the beginning of the game, it is considered the easiest of the environments in the game. The theme of the Basement is flies and poop.

The Basement's harder unlockable variants are the CellarCellar and the (except in Rebirth)Burning BasementBurning Basement.

(in Repentance) After A Secret Exit A Secret Exit is unlocked, a locked door similar to the one leading to a Treasure RoomTreasure Room will appear in this floor's Boss RoomBoss Room upon defeating the boss, which leads to DownpourDownpour / DrossDross. Like a Treasure RoomTreasure Room, this door requires a key to be unlocked. Unlike Angel RoomAngel Rooms and Devil RoomDevil Rooms, this door never disappears.


Entity ID Description
15.0 Randomly wanders around the room, firing 4 blood shots in the cardinal directions.
15.1 Randomly wanders around the room, firing 4 tar shots in the ordinal directions.
15.2 Randomly wanders around the room, firing 8 shots in all directions.
217.0 Slowly dashes in random directions, dealing contact damage.
220.0 Dashes towards Isaac and deals contact damage. Spawns 2 Dips upon death.
77.0 Aimlessly hops around the room, dealing contact damage.
208.0 Slowly walks towards Isaac. Occasionally farts, which pushes Isaac and adjacent enemies away.
Pale Fatty
Pale Fatty
208.1 Slowly walks towards Isaac. Occasionally farts and shoots 6 blood shots in all directions. Has a chance to turn into a Blubber upon death.
210.0 Walks around aimlessly and randomly spews a cluster of blood shots in all directions. Has a chance to turn into a Half Sack when killed.
13.0 Hovers in place. Does not deal contact damage and is harmless, but can turn into PooterPooters if they stay around PoopPoop.
Attack Fly
Attack Fly
18.0 Red fly that follows Isaac and deals contact damage.
Ring Fly
Ring Fly
222.0 Gathers with any other Ring Flies in the room. These flies orbit around themselves while following Isaac. Deals contact damage.
80.0 Follows Isaac, similar to Attack FlyAttack Flies. Deals contact damage. Splits into 2 Attack Flies upon death.
14.0 Slowly drifts toward Isaac, occasionally firing a single blood shot at him. Does not deal contact damage.
Super Pooter
Super Pooter
14.1 Slowly drifts toward Isaac, occasionally firing two blood shots in a V-formation at him. Does not deal contact damage.
Level 2 Fly
Level 2 Fly
214.0 Flies toward Isaac erratically, dealing contact damage.
Full Fly
Full Fly
249.0 Flies toward Isaac erratically, dealing contact damage. Releases 6 bullets in all directions upon death.
61.0 Flies slowly towards Isaac, exploding into 4 shots in the cardinal directions upon death.
10.1 Walks towards Isaac, dealing contact damage. Usually turns into a PacerPacer or a GusherGusher upon death.
Frowning Gaper
Frowning Gaper
10.0 Walks towards Isaac, dealing contact damage. They start out with their eyes closed, but when they gain line of sight with Isaac, their eyes open and they permanently move faster. Usually turns into a PacerPacer or with a small chance a GusherGusher upon death.
226.0 Slowly walks towards Isaac, leaving short-lasting Red Creep behind itself.
29.0 Slowly hops around the room, doing contact damage. Can turn into a Flaming Hopper by jumping into Fire PlaceFire Places or other fires.
Flaming Hopper
Flaming Hopper
54.0 Quickly hops around the room, doing contact damage. Covers a larger distance than the regular Hopper.
12.0 Stationary enemy that fires a medium-ranged blood shot at Isaac when he gets in range of them.
Psychic Horf
Psychic Horf
248.0 Stationary enemy that fires a homing shot at Isaac when he gets in range of them.
16.0 Walks around the room, avoiding Isaac. Upon death, spawns several flies, which can be FlyFlies, Attack FlyAttack Flies, and/or PooterPooters. Can self-detonate and launch four projectiles in the cardinal directions while still releasing flies.
16.1 Walks around the room, avoiding Isaac. Upon death, spawns a Troll BombTroll Bomb and fires four shots in the ordinal directions. Can self-detonate, spawn a Troll bomb, and launch eight projectiles in all directions.
16.2 Chases Isaac and explodes upon death or upon touching Isaac. The explosion deals a half-heart of damage instead of the regular full heart.
22.0 Wanders around the room, avoiding Isaac and spawning Attack FlyAttack Flies if he gets close. Spawns a large number of flies on death, which can be FlyFlies, Attack FlyAttack Flies, and/or PooterPooters.
205.0 Wanders around the room, avoiding Isaac and spawning SpiderSpiders if he gets close. Spawns a Big SpiderBig Spider or TriteTrite upon death.
Nerve Ending
Nerve Ending
231.0 Static enemy which acts as a meat shield.
11.1 Walks aimlessly around the room.
11.0 Walks aimlessly around the room, occasionally firing a short-ranged blood shot.
Round Worm
Round Worm
244.0 Pops out of the ground in random locations and spits a blood shot at Isaac if he is in sight.
85.0 Erratically moves around the room. If Isaac gets close to it, it chases him, trying to deal contact damage.
Level 2 Spider
Level 2 Spider
215.0 Crawls around the room erratically, following Isaac and dealing contact damage. Can jump small distances.
Ticking Spider
Ticking Spider
250.0 Crawls around the room erratically, following Isaac and dealing contact damage. Can jump small distances. Explodes upon death.
Baby Long Legs
Baby Long Legs
206.0 Runs away from Isaac and frequently spawns Spiders.
Small Baby Long Legs
Small Baby Long Legs
206.1 Runs away from Isaac and occasionally spawns Sacks.
Crazy Long Legs
Crazy Long Legs
207.0 Chases Isaac, dealing touch damage. Occasionally stops to spit 8 blood shots in all directions.
Small Crazy Long Legs
Small Crazy Long Legs
207.1 Chases Isaac, dealing touch damage. Occasionally stops to spit 4 blood shots in the diagonal directions.
Wall Creep
Wall Creep
240.0 Crawls along walls to try to line up with Isaac and shoots three blood shots in a line.
Wall Hugger
Wall Hugger
218.0 Moves around the room like Guts, damaging Isaac by contact. Cannot be destroyed.
Brownie Corn
Brownie Corn
(except in Rebirth)
217.2 Quickly dashes in random directions, dealing contact damage.
Dart Fly
Dart Fly
(except in Rebirth)
256.0 Flies towards Isaac and attempts to predict his movements. Deals contact damage.
(except in Rebirth)
281.0 Follows Isaac in large, tightly-clustered groups and deals contact damage.
(except in Rebirth)
284.0 Walks towards Isaac, dealing contact damage and leaving behind a short-lasting trail of damaging Red Creep. Occasionally shoots a blood shot towards Isaac.
Blue Gaper
Blue Gaper
(except in Rebirth)
297.0 Walks towards Isaac, dealing contact damage.
Greed Gaper
Greed Gaper
(except in Rebirth)
299.0 Walks towards Isaac, dealing contact damage.
Conjoined Fatty
Conjoined Fatty
(except in Rebirth)
257.0 Slowly walks towards Isaac. Occasionally pauses to fart out a line of damaging Green Creep towards Isaac. Chance to turn into a regular Fatty upon death.
Suction Pitfall
Suction Pitfall
(except in Rebirth)
291.1 Invulnerable and stationary enemy which sucks Isaac towards itself. Isaac falls into it when walked over, taking damage and popping back out after a short delay.
Rag Man's Ragling
Rag Man's Ragling
(except in Rebirth)
246.1 Quickly leaps towards Isaac and deals contact damage. Randomly shoots two purple shots that orbit around it.
(except in Rebirth)
276.0 Pops out of the ground in random locations, creating a small rock wave. Fires an explosive Ipecac shot at Isaac if he is in sight.
(except in Rebirth)
289.0 Pops out of the ground in random locations and spawns a Dart Fly if Isaac is in sight. Fires a blood shot after spawning 6 Dart Flies.
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance)
302.0 Chases Isaac and blocks tears, but does not deal contact damage. Temporarily pauses in exhaustion after a certain amount of time. Invulnerable; dies when the room is cleared.
(in Afterbirth † and Repentance)
305.0 Hops around randomly and hop towards Isaac when he gets close, occasionally spitting out a cluster of disorganized shots.
(in Afterbirth †)
306.0 Spawns various enemies from the current floor until it either vanishes or is killed.
Army Fly
Army Fly
(in Repentance)
868.0 Chases Isaac, moving along the cardinal directions. Forms a line with other Army Flies in the room. Deals contact damage.
(in Repentance)
61.5 Flies in erratic, angled movements toward Isaac if his active item has charges; on contact, they drain up to 2 charges, but never deal contact damage. If he has no active item, or no charges, they wander around the room aimlessly.
Swarm Spider
Swarm Spider
(in Repentance)
884.0 Very erratically hops toward Isaac in large groups, dealing contact damage.
(in Repentance)
881.0 Pops out of the ground and lunges towards Isaac, dealing contact damage.

Degraded Bosses:

Name ID Notes
74.0 Small-form only


Boss Dingle
Boss The Duke of Flies
Boss Gemini
Boss Steven
Dingle The Duke of Flies Gemini Steven Needs to be unlocked
Boss Larry Jr.
Boss Monstro
Boss Gurglings
Boss Famine
Larry Jr. Monstro Gurglings Famine Needs to be unlocked
Boss The Fallen
Boss Headless Horseman
Boss Dangle
Boss Little Horn
The Fallen Devil Room Icon Headless Horseman Needs to be unlocked Dangle (except in Rebirth) Needs to be unlocked Little Horn (except in Rebirth) Needs to be unlocked
Boss Turdlings
Boss Rag Man
Boss Baby Plum
Turdlings (except in Rebirth) Needs to be unlocked Rag Man (in Afterbirth and Afterbirth †) Needs to be unlocked Baby Plum (in Repentance) Needs to be unlocked

Unlockable Achievements[]

  • The Cellar
    The Cellar - Beat all BasementBasement bosses ((in Repentance) except Baby Plum) (not restricted to beating bosses in The Basement).
  • Basement Boy
    Basement Boy - Beat Chapter 1 without taking damage.


  • The music for the Basement is titled Diptera Sonata.[1]
    • Diptera is the order of true flies. Thus, Diptera Sonata literally means "Fly Sonata".

