Although visually unchanged, all passive Bomb effect items affect the spawned Troll Bombs unless otherwise noted.
The Troll Bombs created by Anarchist Cookbook spawn in one at a time; if Isaac leaves the room soon after using it, not all 6 Troll Bombs will spawn.
Using this item without any blast protection is not always recommended as it is very easy to be caught in the blast.
Synergies[ | ]
Book of Virtues: Spawns wisps in the middle ring, looking like bombs. The wisps spawn Troll Bombs when destroyed. These troll bombs will use Isaac's bomb synergies.
Blasting Cap: Spawned Troll Bombs can drop extra bomb pickups.
Glitter Bombs: Each troll bomb has a chance to spawn a pickup or a trinket including batteries for repeated use.
Remote Detonator: The Troll Bombs generated will not explode until Remote Detonator is activated, unlike regular Troll Bombs.